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Mass Effect 3

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I know this is a cardinal sin, but I've never played any of them. I know I'd enjoy them, but I've never gotten around to them. Maybe I should add them to the "to play" list soon. Is there only going to be three games in this story line?

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oh shrives :facepalm:


dont know if there will be a 4th but time will tell

the power in the game is the consequences for your actions as you play and the ability to develop your character and create attachment to them in a first person shooter environment. your descisions and interaction with npc effect not only your imediate game but also the next games if you import your character.

i.e if one of your team dies in the first game you loose them forever. this allows quite allot of variation to replay the game as the path will be different each time.


played through both 1 and 2 again over the last month (as i lost my saves when my comp died last year )descided to take some different paths knowing the 3rd was comming to make sure i had what i feel i needed for it.


there is also multi player attached to the new one which will be a very cool addition


for $10-$15 each on steam for 1 and 2 well worth the many hours of play


cant wait to get into the demo tonight (dam work)

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Yeah, I know a lot about the games, I've just never played. Sheldon and Andy (who some of us have been clan-mates with in the past, and good mates of Vulc and I) love the series. I'm sure I would enjoy it. Maybe once I get through the Assassins' Creed games at current (I still haven't played Brotherhood, let alone Revelations) I might have time to give these a look.

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Ah, ME 3.

I picked up ME 1 and 2 in a Steam sale a while back now. So I decided to start again from scratch with a new character. I still need to finish ME 2 before I can play ME 3.

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It is defiantly not a first person shooter, it is an rpg with third person shooter elements. Just so people do not get the wrong impression about the game.

I believe they have confirmed this will be the last game with Shepard as the hero, but as it has become lucrative for them i doubt this will be the last game based in the ME universe.

I noticed the demo but i feel playing a demo to an rpg does not do it justice as, especially with ME, it is the complete package that makes it great, not a 30 minute stretch of game play.


However i am very physicked for this game, may have to be sick for work when it hits.

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Rally mentioned Mulitplayer in ME3? Can anyone confirm what this entails?


coop. new set of quests etc which will directly impact the story of the SP

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Rally mentioned Mulitplayer in ME3? Can anyone confirm what this entails?


coop. new set of quests etc which will directly impact the story of the SP


Oh! Canon MP, I love!

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played through the demo this morning. Keen as beans for the full game. Unfortunately lost my save files fro 1 and two, dont have the 30 odd GB of internet i'd need to download the games again to play, which is unfortunate since the demo contained characters which in my save were in fact dead (suggesting this will happen to me in the main story).


This will definitely be the last game following Commander Shepard, and probably the last game concerning the reapers (Spoilers prevent me from saying why, but play the demo its clear why i say these things).


having said that it may not be the end of Mass effect games, and lord knows I don;t want it to be.

Mass effects story is massive. games could easily be made following Ashley, liara, or archangel just in the gap between one and two's story. Apparently int eh extended universe they all do amazing things.


Not to mention the Krogen rampage which lead to the genophage, Cerberus' establishment and the eventual goals. So much potential *fangasm*

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Yeah, I have no doubt that the Mass Effect Universe will continue, even after Shepard is done.

I look forward to what might be instore for the ME Universe, which I pretty much fell in love with over the course of the other 2 games.

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I've pre-ordered the 'N7 Collectors Edition' (PC) from GAME for $110 postage included


N7 Collector's Edition includes:

•Mass Effect 3 game

•Exclusive Hardcover Art Book

•Exclusive Collectible Tin featuring male and female Shepard

•Exclusive N7 Fabric Patch

•Exclusive 4x6 Lithograph


Exclusive Bonus In-Game Packs

•Exclusive Squad Appearance Pack

•Exclusive N7 Arsenal Pack


Also includes:

•Exclusive Extended Soundtrack

•Dark Horse Comic Book

•Additional Downloadable Mission and Character

•Bonus Avatars and More


Can be ordered online at the following URL:



With bonus extras EXCLUSIVE TO GAME:

N7 WARFARE GEAR when you preorder


N7 Valkyrie Assault Rifle - Deliver two rounds per shot with deadly accuracy and stop the opposition dead in their tracks with superior highcalibur rounds.


N7 Defender Armour - Improved shields and health, players can survive even the most punishing of battles and withstand sustained enemy fire.

The N7 Defender Armour also offers:

•Increased ammo capacity. Additional ammunition compartments to ensure players are always battle-ready.

•Amplified weapon damage. Built-in power cells provide an additional punch to weapon fire.




Got me a robotic dog..... :yippie:

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I am just a bit concerned that if i get the origin version the save games from my steam me and me2 won't carry over. I hope if i just move save files into a folder etc it will carry over but i don't want to buy any copy until i find out which copy will work with my steam saves.

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I am just a bit concerned that if i get the origin version the save games from my steam me and me2 won't carry over. I hope if i just move save files into a folder etc it will carry over but i don't want to buy any copy until i find out which copy will work with my steam saves.


fe, let me know what you find out.

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I am just a bit concerned that if i get the origin version the save games from my steam me and me2 won't carry over. I hope if i just move save files into a folder etc it will carry over but i don't want to buy any copy until i find out which copy will work with my steam saves.

Saves should be saves, I hope that it wouldn't matter what platform it was on.

Then again, it *IS* EA...

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I am hoping there is no issue. But will hold off for a day or 2 just to he safe. Would be a shame to have all my hard work at keeping my storyline for nothing.

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I imagine if they weren't compatible there would be a HUMONGOUS uproar against them.

There's little danger of it actually happening.

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if its like me2 it will just ask you to point to the directory so wouldnt be to worried guys.


im interested to see how the game starts if you destroyed the base in me2.

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I am interested to see how it plays out for the people who got themselves killed. I saved everyone but i know of people who got Shepard killed, should be interesting to share stories between people.

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