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Maniac last won the day on August 1 2021

Maniac had the most liked content!

Community Reputation

19 Good

About Maniac

  • Birthday 03/12/1986

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  1. Star Wars Jedi Fallen Order

    I finished the main story today, took me 26 hrs. I really enjoyed it. Well worth a play for anyone thinking about it.
  2. Apex Legends

    sounds good, will download and check it out
  3. SCUM

    yeah i haven't been on since we were all on last, i have also been waiting for them to add vehicles. there is so much walking involved.
  4. YouTube Video Thread - Part 2

    Ohh that is pretty good i like it, new album should be worth a listen
  5. Pingtest And Speedtest

    I think they just advertise that its 90Mps but its actually uncapped when you get the unlimited plan, plus i think it helps that i only live 3kms away from the exchange.
  6. Pingtest And Speedtest

    uncapped cable in G-Town does better then the NBN
  7. Star Citizen

    So i watched this new game play on the weekend from CitzenCon2018, and just wow. They are putting so much detail into this game now that im thinking about giving it a go. Also the single player campaign trailer looks pretty awesome, and they are going all out with the actors for it.
  8. General TV Show Discussion And Review

    The unit was a great show, it is some what similar to it. It stars david boreanaz as one of the main characters.
  9. General TV Show Discussion And Review

    So i have been watching Seal Team, based on the seal team six squads. I found it highly addictive. there are 22 episodes in the first season and with the second season just started. Well worth a watch if you like the US Military shows.
  10. Overkill's The Walking Dead

    looks alright, id probably give it a go.
  11. Welcome Maniac

    Thanks @Duckz
  12. Welcome Maniac

    Thanks @AussieNinja159
  13. Welcome Maniac

    Thanks @Ra_Panda & @TheLaw look forward to finally meeting you and getting some gaming in
  14. Welcome Maniac

    Hahahaha yes @Dallyfergo has been a great DI, even if he is a bit of a dud when it comes to sharing his beer though im sure i will enjoy his endless sarcasm and empty tomorrows.
  15. Welcome Maniac

    Yeah @Dallyfergo did tell me that, but it was after i already done it so i went with being the trademark of the clan ® hahaha. I will most definitely hit @Dallyfergo up for my prize...maybe i can get in on that big slab of beer he has been drinking lately...if there are any left