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  1. Roll The Dice Ten Year Anniversary Celebrations! Who: One and all are welcome to come and help Roll The Dice celebrate one decade of existence! What: A general games night of fun and hilarity so we can take the chance to thank our members and all friends of the clan. Where: Join us on our TS3 server at: ts.rtdclan.net (password: blackjack) When: Saturday, 22nd June 2019 We can start gathering anytime on Saturday (midday), with any official stuff happening around 9:00pm. Events could well spill over into Sunday for further gaming. Why: Any excuse is a good excuse for a gathering. Beers welcome. Games: Below is a list of possible games we could play: PUBG Golf With Friends BF3 BF4 BF1 BFV CoDBO CoD2 CoDUO Deceit Rainbow Six: Seige Squad Fist Full Of Frags Hand Simulator Splitgate: Arena Warfare etc. Please make more suggestions below. How: We can start at any time on Saturday and sit back and relax. Members and guests can split up on TS depending on what they are playing and then when everyone has arrived for the evening we'll merge together for a short thank you. Then people can game long in to the evening. RSVP: Guests of the clan may post below if they wish to come along (or just show up). Otherwise, we just hope to see as many members and friends as possible there on the day. Spread the word and hopefully we'll have a grand time together with a bit of fun. Ten years is a grand achievement for any online community, but especially a bunch of gamers. All members can RSVP on the calendar: Alea iacta est. Thank you for your time, All Members of Roll The Dice.
  2. Roll The Dice Nine Year Anniversary Celebrations! Who: One and all are welcome to come and help Roll The Dice celebrate our ninth year as a clan! What: A general games night of fun and hilarity so we can take the chance to thank our members and all friends of the clan. Where: Join us on our TS3 server at: ts.rtdclan.net (password: blackjack) When: Sunday, 24th June 2018 We can start gathering anytime on Sunday (midday), with any official stuff happening around 9:00pm. Why: Any excuse is a good excuse for a gathering. Beers welcome. Games: Below is a list of possible games we could play: PUBG Golf With Friends BF3 BF4 BF1 CoDBO CoD2 CoDUO WoW Deceit Rainbow Six: Seige etc. Please make more suggestions below. How: We can start at any time on Sunday and sit back and relax. Members and guests can split up on TS depending on what they are playing and then when everyone has arrived for the evening we'll merge together for a short thank you. Then people can game long in to the evening. RSVP: Guests of the clan may post below if they wish to come along (or just show up). Otherwise, we just hope to see as many members and friends as possible there on the day. Spread the word and hopefully we'll have a grand time together with a bit of fun. All members can RSVP on the calendar: Alea iacta est. Thank you for your time, All Members of Roll The Dice.
  3. Roll The Dice Six Year Anniversary Celebrations! Who: One and all are welcome to come and help Roll The Dice celebrate our sixth year as a clan! What: A general games night of fun and hilarity so we can take the chance to thank our members and all friends of the clan. Where: Join us on our TS3 server at: ts.rtdclan.net (password: blackjack) When: Friday, 26th June 2015 We will aim to gather around 7:00pm AEST with any official stuff happening about 9:00pm. Why: While we have been quiet over the past 12 months, making six years as a clan is still something we are very proud of. How: Plans could include everything and anything - whatever members and guests would like to play. As BF4 is still probably the main game of choice at present it will no doubt get some play time. Perhaps some BF3 as well if people are keen. Suggestions are welcome below. We can start at any time on Friday and sit back and relax. Members and guests can split up on TS depending on what they are playing and then when everyone has arrived for the evening we'll merge together for a short thank you. Then people can game long in to the evening. RSVP: All members can RSVP on our new calendar at this link: http://www.rtdclan.net/forum/index.php?/calendar/event/48-six-year-anniversary-celebrations/ Members of the public may be able to use that link as well if they see this post. Otherwise, we just hope to see as many members and friends as possible there on the night. Spread the word and hopefully we'll have a grand time together with a bit of fun. Alea iacta est. Thank you for your time, All Members of Roll The Dice.
  4. Roll The Dice Five Year Anniversary Celebrations! Who: One and all are welcome to come and help Roll The Dice celebrate our fifth year as a clan! What: A general games night of fun and hilarity so we can take the chance to thank our members and all friends of the clan. Where: Join us on our TS3 server at: ts.rtdclan.net (password: blackjack) Our BF4 server: Roll The Dice %5BMixed%5D When: Friday, 20th June 2014 We will aim to gather around 7:00pm AEST with any official stuff happening about 9:00pm. Why: Making five years as a clan with a good bunch of well respected people is always worth gathering for. It also gives us a chance to celebreate our achievements over the past year. How: Plans could include everything and anything - whatever members and guests would like to play. As BF4 is still probably the main game of choice at present it will no doubt get some play time. Any other game could get some play time if members are keen - including ArmA, CoDUO, WoW, etc. We can start at any time on Friday and sit back and relax. Members and guests can split up on TS depending on what they are playing and then when everyone has arrived for the evening we'll merge together for a short thank you. Then people can game long in to the evening. RSVP: All members can RSVP on our new calendar at this link: http://www.rtdclan.net/forum/index.php?/calendar/event/9-roll-the-dice-five-year-anniversary-celebrations/ Members of the public may be able to use that link as well if they see this post. Otherwise, we just hope to see as many members and friends as possible there on the night. Spread the word and hopefully we'll have a grand time together with a bit of fun. Alea iacta est. Thank you for your time, All Members of Roll The Dice.
  5. Roll The Dice Four Year Anniversary Celebrations! Who: One and all are welcome to come and help Roll The Dice celebrate our fourth year as a clan! What: A general games night of fun and hilarity so we can take the chance to thank our members and all friends of the clan. Where: Join us on our TS3 server at: ts.rtdclan.net (password: blackjack) Our BF3 server: Roll The Dice [Mixed] When: Sunday, 30th June 2013 We will aim to gather around 7:00pm AEST with any official stuff happening about 9:00pm. Why: Making four years as a clan with a bunch of good, well respected people is always worth gathering for. How: Plans could include everything and anything - whatever members and guests would like to play. As BF3 is the main game of choice at present it will no doubt get some play time. Any other game could get some play time if members are keen - including ArmA, Rising Storm, League of Legends, etc. We can start at any time on Sunday and sit back and relax. Members and guests can split up on TS depending on what they are playing and then when everyone has arrived for the evening we'll merge together for a short thank you. Then people can game long in to the evening. RSVP: No RSVP necessary - we just hope to see as many members and friends as possible there on the night. Spread the word and hopefully we'll have a grand time together with a bit of fun. Alea iacta est. Thank you for your time, All Members of Roll The Dice. Members please signup ASAP on vWar
  6. Roll The Dice Three Year Anniversary Celebrations! Who: One and all are welcome to come and help Roll The Dice celebrate our third year as a clan! What: A general games night of fun and hilarity so we can take the chance to thank our members and all friends of the clan. Where: Join us on our TS3 server at: (password: blackjack) Our BF3 server: Roll The Dice [Mixed] When: Friday, 22nd June 2012 We will aim to gather around 7:00pm AEST with any official stuff happening about 9:00pm. Why: Making three years as a clan with a bunch of good, well respected people is always worth gathering for. How: Plans could include everything and anything - whatever members and guests would like to play. As BF3 is the main game of choice at present it will no doubt get some play time. Some will be keen to take on some zombies in DayZ, so keep an eye out for that. Then there might be some more retro gaming, with possibilities of CoDBO, CoD4, CoD2 and CoDUO. Even LoL and Minecraft could get a showing if popular. Basically, we can start at any time on Friday and sit back and relax. Members and guests can split up on TS depending on what they are playing and then when everyone has arrived for the evening we'll merge together for a short thank you. Then people can game long in to the evening. RSVP: No RSVP necessary - we just hope to see as many members and friends as possible there on the night. Spread the word and hopefully we'll have a grand time together with a bit of fun. Alea iacta est. Thank you for your time, All Members of Roll The Dice. Members please signup ASAP on vWar
  7. Roll The Dice Recruitment Process Applying for Roll The Dice is fairly straight forward, as long as you can follow the points below and have patience. We have a great bunch of people at Roll The Dice and our Recruitment Process is a big part of bringing the right people to our clan. If you are considering making an application for Roll The Dice, please be aware of the following requirements: We are seeking new members active in our supported games, with a positive attitude and who are keen to learn. Being part of a team and working with others are skills we expect to see in new applicants. To apply, you must be over 18 years of age. Exceptions have been made to this rule, and you may talk to the clan's leadership if you feel you are mature enough to still join us. However, you may still be declined. Please do not lie about your age. Joining our forums does not give you membership in our clan. It is a bit more complicated than that. All members of our clan must adhere to our Code of Conduct. If you have issue with any of those points then Roll The Dice is not for you. Roll The Dice does not recruit people with membership in other clans who are active in games we also compete in. The full list of our active ladder teams can be found at the Clan's Official Games page. Roll The Dice has a strict policy against cheating, hacking and glitching. If you apply for our clan your gamertag and any relevant GUIDs will be run through anti-cheat sites. If interested and happy to abide by the above, members of the public need to complete our Application Form. Again, please note that filling out this application form does not grant you membership nor the right to wear our tags. All Clan Members will then consider your application. This process could take up to two weeks, depending on your activity levels. In this time it is advised that you be active on our forums, our game servers and our Team Speak server. The outcome of your application will be notified via email, to the address you gave in your application. Please check this daily. If unsuccessful, we will wish you a good day and you may discuss it further with the clan's leadership if you wish. If successful, you will be granted a two week trial period. As a Recruit, you must then meet all of the requirements outlined in the Recruit Position topic. This states clearly what you are expected to do to gain Full Membership and you should read it before applying. Please note that the Clan's Leadership reserve the right to terminate any application or trial period without notice if any of the above conditions are breached or it is otherwise deemed appropriate. Roll The Dice works very hard to help their Recruits game Full Membership. However, we also expect Recruits to work hard in return. Consider very carefully before applying if Roll The Dice is the clan for you, as this will help save everyone time and effort in the long run. If you have read the above and agree to our Code of Conduct then you are welcome to put in application via the link below: | Link To Application Form | All communication about your application will be sent via email, so please make sure you check this regularly and your email address is accurate.
  8. Clan Designation Recruit Currently Held By: See See Clan Membership List Reports to: Clan Leadership, Recruiter/Drill Instructor Selected by: Clan Leadership Responsible for: Meeting Recruit Requirements General role description: A Recruit period with Roll The Dice is granted after a successful application has been made. The Application process itself can take up to two weeks as Clan Members get to know the applicant. If a Recruit period is granted, the new Recruit will be granted: Recruit forum access. Permission to attend Trainings and Clan Events. Permission to participate in Friendly Scrims. Signed up to the calendar. Recruits will also be expected to hold themselves (and the clan) in high regard. To be granted Full Membership, Recruits must complete all of the following: Meet all of our standards outlined in the Code of Conduct. Participate in at least three Clan Events (either Clan Trainings, Friendly Scrims, Pre Scrims or Clan Co-op Activities). Sign your status for at least four different events in the calendar. Make at least ten posts on our forums to show you are active and involved. Join our Steam and Origin groups for the clan and use them while gaming. Have a working microphone and make use of our TeamSpeak 3 facilities. Wear our correct tags in all games we support and change your Steam and TeamSpeak nicknames to RtD>YourName®. The ® will indicate to other members that you are currently on Recruit status. A minimum of two weeks must pass during the Recruit period. A maximum of one month will be given for a Recruit to meet the above criteria, after which point the trial may be terminated. The Leadership of Roll The Dice reserve the right to terminate a Recruit trial period without notice if any of the above conditions are breached. All Recruits will be assigned a Recruiter/Drill Instructor to help them settle in to the clan. This Recruiter/Drill Instructor will make the final recommendation to the rest of the clan so a decision in regards to Full Membership can be reached. Other Clan Member's comments will also be held in high regard during this time. The final decision will be made by the Clan's Leaders. When the Recruit period finishes, either through Full Member status being granted or through termination, the discussion poll for the Recruit will be archived and removed from view.
  9. A Quick Shot of How We Roll Code of Conduct Summary Please read the following before applying for Roll The Dice. If you have issue with any of these points then Roll The Dice is not the place for you. If you would like anything clarified further, you may speak with one of our Members or read our more detailed Code of Conduct found via the links above. Members of Roll The Dice are expected to abide by the undermentioned: No hacking, glitching or cheating in any game. Ever. No abuse of other players in any game. No swearing on other forums nor any game server. Use TeamSpeak respectfully at all times. Wear the correct tags for Roll The Dice in all of our Official Games, on TeamSpeak, Steam and XFire. Always protect the reputation of Roll The Dice and show dedication, respect and loyalty towards the clan. Use and be active on XFire, Steam, TeamSpeak, the Forums and vWar (minimum one forum post per month to maintain membership). Be active in the clan when possible and attend clan events when available. Always play in the spirit of the game. Respect fellow Clan Members and the General Public. Do not expect more than you give. Have fun, but not at the expense of others.
  10. Roll The Dice Two Year Anniversary Celebrations! Who: One and all are welcome to come and help Roll The Dice celebrate our second year as a clan! What: A general games night of fun and hilarity so we can take the chance to thank our members and all friends of the clan. Where: Join us on our TS3 server at: (password: blackjack) Our CoDBO TeamTact server can be found at: Our CoDBO CG Rules SnD server can be found at: When: Friday, 24th June 2011 We will aim to gather by 7:00pm AEST with any official stuff happening about 8:30pm. Why: Any excuse to relax and game with mates is a good one and being here for two years is another pretty good reason. How: There are no real plans apart from a chance to gather members (past and present) and friends of the clan in one place. From there people can play what they like, be it a stint in CoDBO, a look at some old classics in CoD4 or even CoD2 or CoDUO, a revisit to BC2, a game of LoL, Minecraft or World of Tanks. Anything is possible and with plenty of variety people can just change games and TS channels when they please. At some point in the evening we will then aim to put everyone in the same channel so a few words can be said, and then everyone can split again to play what they enjoy most. RSVP: No RSVP necessary - we just hope to see as many members and friends as possible there on the night. Spread the word and hopefully we'll have a grand time together with a bit of fun. Alea iacta est. Thank you for your time, All Members of Roll The Dice. Members please signup ASAP on vWar
  11. April Fools 2011 - Sponsorship Deal

    Clan Sponsorship Ladies and Gentleman (and Shoes), it is with great pleasure that we have an announcement to make in regards to clan sponsorship. I know people have been waiting a while for this since my last post, and I apologise it has taken so long, but with a wedding this weekend and being very busy at work I've opted to try and get the post out quickly. Hopefully it will be short and hopefully it won't be full of mistakes. Anyway, moving no. We are lucky enough to have some clannies connected to a big name company and after some discussion about our clan, our values, our way of gaming and the success we have had in the past it was agreed that both the clan and this company could benefit from a sponsorship deal. This company is not one you would associate with gaming, but it is certainly a company we all know well. They have been looking to expand their advertising portfolio and we were just lucky enough to have people at the right place at the right time. The dollar value of the sponsorship is significant from the clan's perspective. While we will not disclose the actual amount publicly (we will make mention of the value in the next monthly treasury report however) it should be noted that the value is significant enough to cover the majority of our monthly costs. This will allow the clan to be financially viable with very limited donations required from our members. This will hopefully also mean we can expand in to other areas clan members are interested in as well. Of course though, we in turn have to give something back to the new sponsor. In the grand scheme of things this is not much. Indeed, most of the time it will be nothing more than a name in the background which we can associate ourselves with. We will need to continue to maintain our very high standards when gaming as we now represent not only ourselves, but also another group who has a financial interest. They are not worried about our level of success on the field, but they are interested in the clan continuing to do what it does best. Perhaps now is a good time to unveil our new sponsor. You may already know, depending on your browser settings, but if not I suggest you press Ctrl + F5 to reload our website without your local cache. ...waits for page to load... And now, hopefully, you should see our new banner! (if not download FireFox4 which has just been released. No, FireFox is not our new sponsor as it's a not-for-profit organisation itself...). Yes, the new banner looks a bit glary at the moment and we are getting a new one made up that looks similar to the old banner but also contains the Kellogs brand name. The chap who made the previous banner has assured us he can whip something up over the weekend and we will update that as soon as we get a chance (free of charge too, nice chap). Aside from this announcement we will also add Kellogs to a couple of other locations. Due to the popularity of our servers we have added a rotating message there to fulfil our side of the agreement. This will rotate through just like the rest of the messages and should not impact on anyone gaming in our server. If you haven't been in there yet I suggest you go check it out. The name Kellogs will also be added to our clan descriptions on TS, XFire, Steam, CG and in the Code of Conduct. This will take a little bit of work though so we've been given a few days to update everything. Finally, as a way to kick things off, I'll be changing my username for the first week. Hopefully this will help spread the word for both clannies and the public and will help Kellogs get their value for money as well. Thank you for your time, ~MKS.
  12. Roll The Dice 12 Month Anniversary Celebrations! Who: One and all are welcome to come and help Roll The Dice celebrate our first full year as a clan! What: A general games night of fun and hilarity so we can take the chance to thank our members and all friends of the clan. Where: Join us on our TS2 server at: Our CoD4 server can be found at: And to find us in BC2 search for: AU Roll The Dice #1 When: Friday, 2nd July 2010 We will start early (some time around 7:00pm AEST) with any official stuff happening about 8:30pm. The finalie could occur any time the following week... Why: Because we've finally made it, and any excuse to relax and game with mates is a good one. How: We'll jump on our CoD4 server some time in the evening for some Hide and Seek and Rocket Mode. After that we'll have a look at some fun in BC2. We could even have a bash at CoD2 or CoD5, look at CoD6 if people are feeling brave and maybe revisit a classic in CoDUO if we're all still awake Members should also expect to see the result of the vWar draw and subsequent game voucher given away. A donated copy of Guitar Hero 5 will also be up for grabs. More details on the night. RSVP: No RSVP necessary - we just hope to see as many members and friends as possible there on the night. Spread the word if you wish and hopefully we'll have a grand time together with a bit of fun. Alea iacta est. Thank you for your time, All Members of Roll The Dice.
  13. How The Dice Will Roll Clan Code of Conduct for Members and the General Public Below you will find information regarding Roll The Dice, including policies and behaviour expectations of both its members and guests. By submitting an application using our Recruitment Form, you adhere that you have read and understand these policies, which are set forward by the Leadership of Roll The Dice. Important Information: Official Clan Mission Statement and Membership List Official Clan Tags and Name Requirements Official Games and Competitive Teams of Roll The Dice Clan Policy on Glitching, Scripting and Hacking Clan Policy on Membership in Other Clans Expected Behaviour on Forums Expected Behaviour on Game Servers Expected Behaviour on TeamSpeak Expected Behaviour during Scrims and Trainings Clan Expectations on Attitude Clan Expectations on Participation If a Clan Member wishes to discuss any of the above points they are welcome to create a new thread in the Round Table forum where it will be addressed openly and honestly. All members will be given the opportunity to voice their opinion.
  14. Official Clan Mission Statement and Membership List Our Mission: Roll The Dice is an Australian clan dedicated to having fun with their online gaming. We were founded on June 24th, 2009 as a joint venture between like minded gamers. Roll The Dice fosters an environment where clan members and the general public can enjoy their gaming with polite, friendly people, in either a social or competitive context. The leadership have decades worth of gaming experience and encourage an open gaming environment where all members feel they can have a say to better the clan. Ultimately, we hope for our members to reach their full potential with their online gaming which is encouraged through trainings, scrims and the gaining of experience over time. A fun, positive attitude is the key to success within Roll The Dice. Alea iacta est. Our Members: Clan Leaders: RtD>Blueberry RtD>MasterShrive RtD>NevilleBartos RtD>PistolKnight Clan Members: RtD>Awesome RtD>AussieNinja RtD>Blaster RtD>Bondy RtD>bprc RtD>CurlyDude RtD>Dallyfergo RtD>Deadlift RtD>Decroxx RtD>Dippie RtD>Duckz RtD>Fauxrique RtD>Fencer RtD>Gonfuzza RtD>Hi2Kiwi RtD>JebusOhMighty RtD>Jibada RtD>Kenoath RtD>Koro RtD>Krak RtD>LiquidPurple RtD>Ludacrit RtD>Maniac RtD>Mavrick RtD>MiniSanders RtD>MrSpontaneous RtD>Nath RtD>NOOBshoes RtD>Noods RtD>Penchamus RtD>Phobos RtD>Predz RtD>Psychosimo RtD>RallyMan RtD>RaPanda RtD>SgtRamsay RtD>Silent RtD>Stein RtD>Stix RtD>TheDredd RtD>TheLaw RtD>Unlikely-Emp RtD>Vegi RtD>Veriton RtD>Vulcan RtD>Yeowie RtD>Zenneth RtD>Zygurt Current Recruits: N/A
  15. Expected Behaviour During Scrims and Trainings Members of Roll The Dice will always abide by the following rules when scrimming or training, on top of the Expected Behaviour in Game Server requirements. When Training: Always follow the instructions of the person running training. Always stay in spec until you are asked to join a team. Obey the orders given by your Squad Leader during training - especially if they are inexperienced at leading. Don't make their job harder for them - and while you should feel free to make suggestions, do not force your ideas upon them (even if you know they will work). Turn up to training in time for the warm up if possible and make sure you are on TeamSpeak for the duration of training. Do not go AFK during training - leave the server if you have to go away for even just a couple of minutes. Please make use of the calendar to sign up to trainings so we have a rough idea on numbers. Even if you cannot make it, please note this down. Once the practice scrims at training start, please also abide by the scrim rules written below. When Scrimming: The Squad Leaders orders should be followed at all times. For the duration of the scrim everyone will follow the instructions of the person in charge. You are required to stay for the duration of the scrim, unless there is someone ready to swap with. We realise that at times things come up - but please don't start a scrim knowing you have tea half way through it! Generally, a Friendly Scrim will involve two maps. Try to be on TeamSpeak, XFire and Steam at least half an hour before the scrim is due to start. Also, if there is a Pre Scrim Training involved, please turn up to that as early as possible. Do not use global chat, other than to be friendly with the opposition in regards to GL, HF and GG. Some clans, whom we get on with well, we may chat with more often. Do not use team chat at all. You should be communicating using TeamSpeak. People have fallen in to the trap of thinking they were saying something in team chat only to discover they were using global chat - and thus they said something about the other clan which should never have been mentioned. Sign up for scrims on the calendar when they are posted and note down whether you can or cannot make it. Always be sportsman like and never make any accusations towards the other clan. Ever.