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Call of Duty 4 Hints and Tips

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Call of Duty 4 Hints and Tips


I used to have one of these back in the day but like many things it seems to have been lost in the annuals of time. Thought I'd create another one though, in the public section, so that both members and those who visit our forums may be able to gain some knowledge which they can use with their gaming.


I've put this on the CoD4 section but some tips will apply to all the CoD games.


In no particular order here's a couple of quick tips off the top of my head:


1. Use all weapons - get to know every weapon in the game as you never know when you'll pick it up, either in a pub server or in a scrim. If you can use them all you'll be much more deadly than the person that just carries the one weapon day in, day out.

2. Make use of your second weapon - usually a pistol, but if you've picked up something else don't forget you have it! In the middle of a fire fight pulling out a second weapon could be the difference!

3. Reload - sounds obvious, but many people don't know when to pick the time to do it. If you still have half a clip and there are enemies about then hold off until you can find safety. If you have to reload then get in to cover quickly! Also, if you pick up a second weapon make sure its full - nothing worse than going to shoot and just hearing "click!".

4. Always move like you're in someone's sites! Dodge, weave and jump so you're harder to hit. Over time you'll get better at doing it and you'll be able to shoot accurately while being hard to hit~

5. Use your sights! Each weapon can only shoot accurately from the hip up to a certain distance (even with steady aim). For most this is only 20 meters or so. If the enemy is further away than this then aim down the sights. If you're not hitting them then make sure you aim. You might find it hard for a start but you'll get better as you go on.

6. Use your nades - don't die with a nade in hand, especially in SnD. You never know who you might hit with it (though do be aware if FF is on, lol).

7. Kill streaks - if you've just got your arty kill streak then you should be able to get a chopper. Find some safety and work hard to get those last two kills needed (make sure you use your AS first though so you don't lose it). Then, when you have your chopper, don't use it until after you die! That way, when the chopper gets you some kills, they can start counting towards your next kill streak ;)


Anyway, they're just a couple for now. Everyone else is welcome to add more on. We might stumble across some gold.



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ooh and, sometimes using one gun is better then using all guns at once, if you use once, you can know your weapon so much that you can predict its recoil, for example, i have used every gun in cod4, after using all of them, i dicided to go for the M4, which has low-recoil, high precision, high fire rate, and good accuracy, its might not be powerful, but that does not matter, i have used this gun alot now, and when i shoot, i know the "pattern" and distance the bullets will spread, and also how meny it will take to kill someone, i also know the aim well,


and that is better then being able to shoot everygun, but not being to hit anyone!


but, before you select your weapons, eliminates the ones you dont want, for example, i mainly us ARs, and sometimes snipers, so if you like CQC choose smg or shotguns, if you like spraying, use lmg, if you like aiming and camping snipers, if you in between, use ARs.


Once you have selected that, carefully go over every weapon and try them out (try trying them until you got digital/urban/gray-black camo)


then, try using it with attachements and perks.


for example, i use the M4, with silencer, as perks i have dead silences, bandolier, and sleight of hand, but what you like might be different to me, and make sure you used all the differents perks, and try avoiding the useless ones or the noobs ones (high explosion, martyrdom, last stand, double tap.)


then, choose the one you are most comfteble with. and dont choose by what others are using or having, everyone is different, if try to show them up with different weapons!


then, practise that weapon until you can master it, once that is done, try using combos. like pistol, main, pistol, main, knife,  ask a friend to help you.

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Shrivey you always miss the most important. You should have 2 binds, o to say "Sorry" when you tk / were tked and p to say "Ran Ran Ru!" when someone Mcpwn you with McNuggets.

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1. If you're running a sniper set and see someone's body make sure to switch the weapon the ground with your pistol. In almost all cases it'll give you more of a chance when someone comes looking for you. However note that switching guns will take longer than when you have a pistol.


2. Try and make use of cover as often as possible. Even wall bangable stuff is better than standing out in the open. If you're confident that there's an enemy along a stretch of road then move from cover to cover. It's slower but much safer.


3. Learn what you can shoot through and what you can't. I can't remember how many people I've killed because they've gone behind something they thought was safe and I just kept on shooting through it. The large dumpster outside of blue building in crash is a perfect example. It looks solid but it's counted as tin metal so you can do almost full damage even without deep impact.


4. Wall banging is probably the skill that most separates the serious player from the casual one. Knowing how to shoot someone through a wall is a valuable skill to learn and, in combination with being able to place someone from the sound of their feet, deadly.


5. Using sound. Learning how to place someone based on the noise they make is another skill that's vital to learn if you want to be successful in SnD. Learning how to make the correct sort of noise is important as well. A noise made on purpose to offset a defender/attacker can often be the difference between your brains getting sprayed on the wall or his.

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Good tips guys.


My best tip is never stop moving. The only moment you have to stop is the tiny moment when you fire your sniper or when your planting the bomb otherwise make them have to try and aim the whole time they see you.


Confuse your opponents. Don't run one direction. Pretend to run one way and run around a different way. You will end up behind them 90 percent of the time unless you both do it.


These tips may not apply to anyone. But they do tend to work for me.


PS. Don't rage at me too hard for my idiotic ideas :)

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