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Star Wars: Battlefront

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Here, I made you guys who pre-ordered this:


  • 6 Months away
  • A few cinematic trailers
  • NO actual first person game play footage
  • Questionable developer who tossed out their winning formula of BF3 and gave us BF4
  • Evidence they're already cutting things out of the game (on rails AT-AT, no iron sights, no space combat, limited vehicles, no classes(debatable preference), no squad spawning)
  • EA is the publisher
  • They will have no option to delay the game and polish it before the movie since it's tied to it (biggest red mark)
  • EA is the publisher
  • It's looking like a reskin, same as Hardline - 1-3 servers left not even fully populated most nights now, died faster than the plague
  • They haven't even released details about the pre-order on their page:



So again, why pre-order now? Hard to wait a bit?

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But I like Star Wars.


What's the difference between ordering it now or ordering it later if I know I'm going to get it? Either way I end up with the game, which is my end goal. If I preorder, I don't need to remember to do it later. Planning ahead is what I aim for - if I didn't preorder I'd probably get to release date and forget I hadn't actually bought it yet.

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you you you you you


P.S I don't believe you would forget to buy the game Shrivey. Not for a second!

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and yeah with preorders I am very selective nowdays. Ea isnt one I preorder from anymore. Maybe for Mass Effect 4 but not for Starwars 

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Really? Why is everyone saying its a "BF4" copy and paste? Is it because its built on the Frostbite engine? It looks nothing remotely like Battlefield.

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Not a real fan of those crosshairs and hit markers. Bit busy and console like. Reminds me of Hardline but worse. Looks and sounds nice though.

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Really? Why is everyone saying its a "BF4" copy and paste? Is it because its built on the Frostbite engine? It looks nothing remotely like Battlefield.


I didn't say BF4 copy and paste, I said Battlefield 2143  :wink: 


It not looking the same doesn't rule out the possibility of it mirroring the poorly optimised shambles that BF4 was, even a year into its release.. 

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doesn't rule out the possibility of it mirroring the poorly optimised shambles that BF4 was, even a year into its release.. 



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Im sure they have learned their lesson with BF4, but thats still in the back of my mind also. What is annoying me is alot of people are calling this a reskinned Battlefield. I'm sorry but i dont see how it is "reskinned" Hardline was a reskinned BF4. 

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BF4 was a reskinned BF3. And every CoD since CoD4 has been the same. Just because it's based off the last game doesn't mean it won't be a success, which is what the big publishers know well.


That said, I'm still not confident they'll learn the lessons from BF4... not when issues from 3 were still present in 4 after after being fixed in the previous game.

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