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Star Wars *Contains Spoilers*

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Shotgun being other part of that "we" Pench :P


Phoby - I'm doing the opposite - I'm looking through all the different theories to see what might stick and what may not. There's some interesting stuff out there, much as there was during the release of the PT.


For example...



I can't see any of the Jar Jar Binks rumours actually coming off - about him being a major player as was mentioned on reddit. That said, and I can't believe I'm saying this, but I probably wouldn't be against such a thing happening. It's certainly an interesting argument.


I also don't believe that we're going to get Luke turning to the Dark Side (and I'm not sure I'm sold on the idea that he did so at the end of ROTJ). Again though, it could be intriguing, and it may explain why Luke is absent from the movie posters.


I'm also not sure that we'll get any big reveals this time around - it's going to be hard to have a real shock for the audience I think. Ford has always wanted to get Solo killed off, so who knows if that might come about some time in the ST, but I'd be surprised if that did happen and probably even a little disappointed.


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I have never seen the holiday special, but in all my years of Star Wars I have never heard anything good about it. I'm surprised Disney haven't had it taken down from YouTube yet.


Also, I read a confirmation that we won't be seeing Jar Jar in the upcoming film. I'm almost disappointed to hear that.

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I have never seen the holiday special, but in all my years of Star Wars I have never heard anything good about it. I'm surprised Disney haven't had it taken down from YouTube yet.


Also, I read a confirmation that we won't be seeing Jar Jar in the upcoming film. I'm almost disappointed to hear that.




Well you can't rule Jar Jar out cause it's been 30 years and he will be going by his Sith lord name now. 


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I have never seen the holiday special, but in all my years of Star Wars I have never heard anything good about it. I'm surprised Disney haven't had it taken down from YouTube yet.


Also, I read a confirmation that we won't be seeing Jar Jar in the upcoming film. I'm almost disappointed to hear that.



It is confirmed, Jar Jar is in VII... sigh

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It's fake. The crawl is very badly worded and has typos.


Looks to have clips from the trailer and possibly previous movies?

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It's fake. The crawl is very badly worded and has typos.


Looks to have clips from the trailer and possibly previous movies?

^^ Ya, can confirm that what this man says... well types? Is true. 

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Wow... you obviously don't care about Star Wars if you clicked on this!



I gave in and watched it on your advice. I kind of regret it because I haven't seen the newer trailers and didn't see that part with the woman walking in the desert with crappy-8. MOVIE RUINED! Thanks!

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I said it had clips from the trailers!!


But which trailer! Specifics! :D I've seen the first one and maybe the second? The one with the X Wing flying over the water.

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I had a flick through. I don't like it. He removed a few good parts that added to the movie.


For example, when Anakin blows up the trade federation ship in the last air battle and flies out with a woohoo! and the other pilots cheering. Gone... wtf.

Also Jar Jar saying "ouch time" when the droid army rolls up. Removed...


....and I hate the alien voices added instead of English. I can't read while trying to see things!!

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I'm not that interested in giving it a look, but I will say I am a fan of the PT as much as the OT. Maybe that's because I'd never seen the OT until after seeing Episode I, and I can understand the disappointment fans may have felt when the PT was released and it wasn't what they wanted. But as I had no expectations going in, I didn't care. However, now with the ST I'm on the other side of the fence and while there is a lot of hype I'm really uncertain if the film will live up to it.

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Premier reviewers are saying the movie was actually good. A little hope has come back to me even tho i don't trust any of these reviewers!! I may have had a stupid grin on my face when i heard. :)  

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