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Blaster last won the day on June 8 2020

Blaster had the most liked content!

Community Reputation

6 Neutral

About Blaster

  • Rank
    Senior Member
  • Birthday 01/23/1980

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  • Gender
  • Location:
    Brisbane, Queensland

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  1. Battlefield 2042

    I'll keep my thoughts to when I play it and then I'll flat out say if it's garbage or not then haha
  2. Blaster is back

    Thanks gents. Yeah everything is well. Business is going well even under current economic conditions. Family and myself are all doing well. Been wanting to catch up with everyone for quite a long time but been absolutely run off my feet with life and business. Will jump on soon once I've got the rig upgraded and the missus also wants to start gaming in battlefield etc (currently she's a fortnite competitive gamer)
  3. Blaster is back

    HI everyone old and new! It had been 8 years since I last gamed for this wondrous clan. I have been away for a long time due to 1 divorce, met my new partner (whom I've been together for 8 years now and 4 additional children) and started my own Fire Protection Equipment Company 1st Choice Fire Pty Ltd (www.1stchoicefire.com.au). Looking forward to getting back into PC gaming once I get my PC upgraded. I have been gaming on xbox one for the last 12 months currently. Will get on TS eventually and have a good old chin wag with you all again soon
  4. Sorry I couldn't make it ppl, I still have no broadband (money restraints) would have loved to catch up with you all but unfortunately all I have is my 2gb tablet internet

    sorry Nev, a late happy birthday
  6. Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 4

    simply LOL
  7. Welcome Pritchard

    Welcome into the fold young squire, seriously wth am I smoking lol
  8. Assassins Creed 3

    I pre ordered limited edition from eb with statuette, artwork, collectors box and unlocked content for $109.00
  9. Welcome Zygurt

    or just Yo! Welcome aboard mate
  10. Im Back

    Lol Shrivesy, still a stickler for shuts and giggles. Better fix ya tags hairysoap or he might revoke ya membership lol
  11. Tablet and Phone

    Certainly had a good giggle over bp and blues internet argument. Was well worth the read good the laugh
  12. Just would like to say welcome all new members and recruits. I know I have not been around much as of late (due to very strenuous personal reasons), but I will be lurking in the backgrounds of these forums. I do not know when I will be back into the gaming side of things as trying to maintain the single father status is not an easy task, but if you do have any questions don't be afraid to fire them my way if you cannot get a hold of the more active senior members and or founders/admin
  13. It's been an awesome adventure....

    No not another fellow serviceman to depart, This is terrible news for the clan. I too have not seen ya on for a while, i'm not scrimming much or dedicating my time to FPS either (but i stay for the social atmosphere and to help keep the younger ones in line LOL). Stay in touch and don't be a stranger
  14. Welcome Stormcrow

  15. YouTube Video Thread - Part 1

    i actually googled that word, and i still dont get it. LOL Nev words from Uni Students would confuse old rev heads (I had to google it to although i used wiki and understood the terminology)